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  • Product Q&A
  • Estimate Inquiry
  • Sample Request

Estimate Inquiry


  • Product name
  • Quantity
  • Company name
  • Name
  • Phone number
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  • Address
  • Inquiry

Privacy Policy

    • The purpose of the Privacy Policy of KEOWON Co., Ltd. (hereinafter "the company") is to protect customers' personal information as per the Personal Information Protection Act and handle related grievances expeditiously and smoothly. The Privacy Policy may be changed according to changes in related laws or internal guidelines. Any changes to the Privacy Policy will be announced on the company website (or customers may be individually notified).

    General information on the collection and use of personal information

    • - Purpose of collection : Estimate Inquiry, Sample Request
    • - Information collected : company name, name, phone number, e-mail, address
    • - Use and retention period : 3 years (the collected information is destroyed upon the expiry of the retention period)

    You have the right not to consent to the privacy policy, in which case you may experience disadvantages.

    • Although you have the right to refuse the collection and use of personal information, you will not be able to use the 1:1 inquiry service if you do not consent to the privacy policy.